How can you make good decisions about your tax practice if you do not have all the information that is available? Get the information you need to make good decisions about your tax practice. An E-file Data Report will show you what the market is, and what your share of it is.
Have you been considering an additional location? All tax offices look the same from the outside. Our E-file Data Reports allow you to get real facts. If your practice is struggling, you might be in the wrong location. Get the same information as the national chains by purchasing an E-file Data Report.
Have you as the owner and ERO ever wondered if your employees or preparers are stealing clients and transmitting returns around you? Beware the side hustle! E-file Data Reports can help you rectify “the side hustle.” Common commercial tax prep software can be paid for with just two good tax prep fees. We have heard of clients being sued for returns they don’t even know about.